1 March 2012
Dear L
I hope this finds you and H well. I hope she celebrated her birthday in a fitting manner and enjoyed her day. I must assume that you passed on my card to her and that it did not contain anything that you could possibly object to.
I am writing to explain the absence of a birthday present or letter on this occasion and hope you can and will show this letter to H so she understands too.
Your recent accusations and inventions make it simply impossible for me to communicate with our daughter which is of course your intention. Your recent submission to court suggests that a card and letter in the same envelope are two separate communications. A Christmas present or Birthday present is a third. As such by sending H a birthday card with letter enclosed and a present I have communicated three of my allowed four communications and as such pretty much used my allocation for the year and will then be in contempt of Court.
Your further suggestion that using the internet to send a card or present is in breach of the order made against me in 2010 stopping any attempt to communicate with H by electronic means is quite ridiculous.
I know you cannot help your genes and like your Mum will never stop hating, and will continue to try and scupper any chance of me rebuilding a meaningful relationship with H. As such I forgive you and hope you can one day find a way of breaking the cycle. In the meantime, sending a present H will either not get, will not want, or one that you can twist in some way in court to appear sinister is just pointless. I have therefore put £200 into H’s account. She can contact me anytime to get access to this.
Please wish her Happy Birthday from me