15 September 2011
Dearest H
How are you? How were your GCSE’s? I do so hope you are pleased with your results. Emilia, Nick’s daughter got an A for English and a C for Maths but says she can improve on that this year. I’m not sure how that works. It is different these days to when mum and I took our O levels! Were the tips and techniques from my last letter helpful?
I hope you had a nice break over the summer. Did you go away anywhere nice? I cycled the Coast 2 Coast ride I told you about in my last letter. It was 260 miles in the end and all off road, climbing the height of Everest and back down again in 5 days. It was very hard work , especially after I fell off on day 3, breaking some ribs. But I made it almost in one piece. We managed to raise £10,000 for the children’s oncology ward at Southampton hospital which we were very pleased with.
Other news my end is limited. I went to Spain for a couple of weeks like last year, which was nice. Business is still terrible and not looking to get any better. I am still applying for jobs but not getting anywhere fast.
On a sad note your great aunt Pauline died. She was your grandad’s sister. I met with my cousins who I had not seen for many years. They all came down to Bournemouth for their family get together and I was invited. They all asked after you. I am not sure if you will remember them all I think you were about four last time we saw them all.
I hope things are good for you and Mum and this recession we are in is not hitting you badly. I hope Mum is in a stable secure job and that you are both safe, secure, well and happy.
It has been too many years since I last saw you , hugged you, held you and since you really knew how much I loved you or vice versa. I have written to mum and enclosed this letter I hope she gives it to you. I really have no idea if you have received all or any of my letters and cards over the years but I must trust so.
If you have, I am sad that you wont, or feel you cannot, contact me. I live in hope that one day you will want to know your father and will seek me out. You know there is no restriction on you doing that at anytime you choose. Once you are 16 there is no restriction on my contact with you either so I can write more regularly. Maybe even see you.
Your Uncle T did not see his mum for 27 years from the age 11. He is now separated /divorced for a 3rd time and living away from his children. He only discovered as I did that his mum always loved him and was not the person she was portrayed as. Unfortunately, it was only after she died that these things came out. I know it is impossible to tell teenagers anything and you have to discover these things for yourself; but do please think about your future and your children’s future. The earlier you do something the better for your long term health. Don’t listen to me, google the research. Do not end up like Uncle T and I going through life believing we were never loved and never endeavouring to seek out the answers we needed until it was too late.
I miss you every day and I love you with all my heart. Do please get in touch. It breaks my heart that you are missing from my life and that I am missing from yours.
Keep well, be happy, have a riot with your friends, but don’t start one !
In case of emergency or strange desire to see father immediately apply one or all of the following:
Dad @ theendofthephone
abighugJustpastthespeedcamera@eaststoke a short walk from warehamstationcareofswtrains